Monday, October 1, 2012

Six Weeks Tests

Happy Monday!

I hope everyone had a restful weekend.  The Elephants and The Honeybees had a grrrrr-eat day today.

Word Study
Today, we reviewed dictionary Guide Words when putting words in alphabetical order.  Then we had a lot of fun learning how to use Context Clues when determining the meanings of unfamilar words.  The students had a great time playing a game: Click to play the game !  You can find practice sheets for guide words and context clues in the homework packet.  Also, we learned about Synonyms (words that have the same meanings).  Tomorrow, we will learn about Antonyms (words that have the opposite meanings) and also how Prefixes and Suffixes change the meanings of words. 

This week in Reading we will be reviewing the following:
- Character Relationships
- Point of View (narrator or character telling the story)
- Summary
- Theme
- Author's Purpose

- This week, students will be taking Six Weeks Tests on the following days:
*****Wed, Oct. 3 - Math
*****Thurs, Oct. 4 - Reading and Language Arts
*****Fri, Oct. 5 - Science
- Fall Pictures are on Thursday, October 4, so please make sure students bring their SMILES that day!!
- Friday, October 5 is the last day to order a School T-shirt.  If you need another order form, then let me know, and I will ensure that you receive one. 


  1. I really like the blog Ms.Lightfoot it is really fun.

  2. the game was cool. macie.

  3. I'm glad Jayden! That's wonderful that you are enjoying the game Macie. :-)
